
Predesign Services

Bind Architecture can help develop your project requirements, your design program! We can help evaluate potential site locations, reach out to municipalities and give advice to help develop initial design concepts, and potential development opportunities.

Conceptual Design Services

Bind Architecture can help develop your project requirements, your design program! We can help evaluate potential site locations, reach out to municipalities and give advice to help develop initial design concepts, and potential development opportunities.

Design Development & Site Plan Applications

Once a concept design has been approved by the client, we move the project into the design development stage. Consultants join the design team, and site plan / development plan applications are assembled. Bind Architecture excels at project management, bringing project teams together for effective design.

Construction Drawings & Permits

Once first approvals are attained for a project, we move into construction drawings. Bind Architecture develops full working drawings packages, including specifications. Coordination with the consultant team is critical at this stage. Building permit applications are part of this stage, and coordinated by Bind Architecture.

Construction Administration

A key part of the success of a project is working hand-in-hand with a contractor.  Bind Architecture can help with project tenders, and throughout the construction of a project, including site reviews, and reviewing of project documents.  Final reviews and deficiency lists are conducted, including the project is completed as per the construction drawings.

Post Construction Supports

We can help with reviews of construction after completion, and throughout the life cycle of the building. Bind Architecture can ensure that constructed buildings are performing properly, and can be involved in the planning of expansions, and retrofits to meet new requirements.